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Hanshi is established in 1991,

we build Staycation of different styles by constantly integrating with various elements and launching all series of products.

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Bring Relax to your home.

Beautiful, long-lasting furniture is the foundation of your decor.


The best area for party and entertainment for families and friends.

A smooth moving path is kept. With a cozy sofa and a recliner, or a couch near the window, the space if more flexible for you to lie or sit freely.

Have a cup of coffee on the couch; enjoy a movie on the sofa suitable for sedentary; put on a gramophone record and start to play; read a book aside the floor lamp. 

北歐風客廳 北歐沙發 北歐茶几 復刻托勒密立燈 Ash 實木沙發 梣木
北歐風餐廳 北歐餐桌 瑪德琳椅 Y chair 北歐長凳 梣木 ASH 餐桌 餐椅

A dream of private kitchen for each family.

A dining table with proper size and cozy chairs that go well with decorations make you expected to cook and have meals with families everyday.  

Inviting a few good friends to come for a meal becomes

the best activity, making it more comfortable and more

suitable for chatting and life sharing than going to the restaurant.


Relax, take a good rest and welcome every morning.

Gentle light that sediments your thinking after a whole day. Pick a proper mattress with a sturdy and breathing.Put on some pillowy products and have a good sleep on the cozy bed.

The morning sunlight will tell you the natural of your body that it is the time to start a new day.

北歐風臥室 北歐床架 北歐床頭櫃 北歐針織毯 工業風桌燈 ASH 梣木 實木床架 北歐抱枕 厚磅棉麻抱枕
CEO 辦公室家具 商業空間家具 辦公椅 老闆椅 洽談椅 人體工學椅 辦公椅
Commercial space furniture cooperation project

Office space/all kinds of retail sale space/home stay restaurant and bar

We provide professional seeking and purchase

furniture for all styles of commercial space Cooperate with interior decoration designer of commercial space,

no matter the office furniture or restaurant, dining pub, coffee shop, bar, clothing store, club, home stay…the owner may purchase the furniture for shop opening,

and we provide furniture and lamp arrangement services for free.

We could provide references regarding the model home, public space and customized furniture.

We will create furniture purchase and customized order quotation designated for you ASAP.

Beautiful, long-lasting furniture is the foundation of your decor.

store location


Mon-Fri  12:00 - 21:00

Sat-Sun   11:00 - 21:00

​+886 2 28097193



​No.57, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng E. Rd., Tamsui Dist.,New Taipei City 251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




11:00 - 22:00

+886 3 3121825


桃園市蘆竹區中正路1號 4樓

( 特力家居內 )

4F., No.1, Zhongzheng Rd., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 338, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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